and this one .
which aircraft (The A380)
Hint : A380 mean Airbus .so it means Airbus 380! ^_^
That's all for today! :)
For more information about planes. please ask me on fb ! :)
i would really love to answer all you questions ! :)
or leave in the chat box! thanks!
or you can just enter this group : (For Facebookers only)
We Are Aviation Lovers <----
Nota Kaki : Please don't think i'm a freak or whatever , just because ilove planes. that doesn't make me a freak . everyone have differentsopinions ! :) and don't call me " Batak Kapal Terbang ' or whatsoever
once again . My blog is not so active . please contact me at facebook.
especially twitter . for people i don't know ! :)
just follow me . and i will tweet tweet with all of you! :)
just don't be rude.
Copy this to your blog if you love planes!
I made it myself! :)
I made it myself! :)
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