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My Result ! =D

Hello! korunk! 
Naqib tengah hepy glew nie! hehe  ! sebb my result
memang hepy. hepy dapat nombor berape jew dalam kelas
about My result . memang ashame! v_v

Nak tau tak. Naqib Dapat Nombor 9 dalam kelas ! yey !
hepy glew! yippie! i said to myself 

" Asalkan aku tak bawah dari nombor 10 , HAHA ! "

korunk tau tak. my parents langsong tak tanye fasal my result
haha ! tu yg best ! hehe. nnti buat2 lupe. HAHAHA ! xD
u know. exam actually starting to haunt me. since the exam of UPSR

I was really scared u know that ! =(
when i got my result. I cry non stop (for UPSR)
really sad. I did not get any 'A's i promise my parents..
they always love me..

they even buy me an Iphone 3Gs before my exam so i can study hard..

So ashame my sister lost it.
she borrow my iphone to play games. then i ask her.
mane Iphone Naqib? pastu die kate Ntah..
bapak ah! takot glew aq ! henpon mahal tu. hilang betol3! 

sampai tahon ni aq maseh tak jumpe. taon lepas kot hilang.
aku takkan maaf kan siape yg curik Iphone aku tu !
tak pe. Kat akhirat nnti.. Allah akan tunjokkan siape yg curik! tunggu kau!

then my parents marah2 me.
die kate Naqib tak jage btol3.
siape suroh kasi my little sister tu. it's her fault!
HAHA! ni malam ni Naqib nk tengok Malaysia lawan negare ape ntah.

nnti Naqib upload banyak2 gambar yew! 
Kbye~ =,=

Nota Kaki : tak payah nk speaking english la sangat kan =,=
 I think this year i go to japan. if we win the
Rm 50000 that shell is giving. please pray for me ! =3
**Tokyo City, Here I come! =3

Itsumo egao. Naqib kara de geso . =)! :)

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